In the Kingdom of Rosas, a young girl named Asha wishes on a star and gets a trouble-making star as her companion. Together, they uncover the truth about the corrupt ruler, Magnifico, who erases the memories of the citizens' wishes. They embark on a mission to recover the ungranted wishes and free the people of Rosas. With the help of her friends and the power of wishes, Asha defeats Magnifico and vows to continue granting wishes justly.
When a teenage girl wishes on a shooting star, she suddenly finds herself in her older sister's body. As she navigates life in her sister's shoes, she must learn to appreciate and understand her sister's struggles. Along the way, she discovers the importance of family and the power of self-reflection.
When the Warner siblings and the other residents of the Warner Bros. Studio are in desperate need of money, Wakko's wish upon a star leads them on a whirlwind journey to save their beloved home.
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