Neptune's Feast is a satirical comedy that takes place in a small village in Sweden during the cold winter months. The story follows a group of eccentric characters who are dealing with the challenges of living in a freezing environment. The plot centers around their interactions with each other, as well as their humorous and sometimes absurd attempts to navigate the bureaucracy and unique quirks of the village.
Siberian Lesson is a documentary set in Siberia in the 1990s, showcasing the daily life and struggles of the people in this remote region. The film explores themes such as poverty, emigration, and the resilience of the Siberian people in the face of harsh conditions. Through stunning visuals and heartfelt interviews, it provides a unique insight into this lesser-known part of the world.
In this stylish Finnish drama, the secrets and desires of a family can no longer be suppressed. Mikko turns out to have a hereditary illness. Since then he has been worried. How long can he continue to run the family business that he and inherited from his father, just like his illness? And how does he tell his teenage daughter and adult son that they might have the wrong genes? The imaginative eight-year-old Lumi, adopted from China, also cannot get away from her roots.
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