The Old New Year is a comedy set in the Soviet Union, following the story of unlikely friends who navigate through winter holidays. It explores themes of friendship, family arguments, and starting a new life from scratch. With parallel editing, the movie showcases the anarchy and aggression in society, while also highlighting the intelligentsia and higher education. The plot revolves around a cast of characters dealing with various aspects of winter, including snow, driving, and the Christmas tree. Moscow serves as the backdrop for this humorous tale.
After retiring from professional football, a player named Jake Snow returns to his hometown and reconnects with his high school sweetheart, Samantha. They team up to organize a fundraiser for the local library, facing various obstacles along the way. As they work together, their relationship blossoms once again, culminating in a heartwarming reunion.
A story of a family with numerous members drowned in their sentimental problems.
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