A group of human-animal hybrid teenagers, known as the Flock, escape from a laboratory where they were subjected to genetic experimentation. Led by Max, a teenage girl with wings, they must use their unique abilities to rescue Angel, one of their own who has been abducted by a sinister organization. As they embark on a dangerous mission, they uncover shocking secrets about their origins and the true purpose of their existence. With the clock ticking, the Flock must rely on their bond and extraordinary powers to succeed.
Idiots and Angels is a dark and mature animated movie set in a small town. The story revolves around a winged-human who leads a selfish and miserable life as a bar regular. However, one day he wakes up to find angelic wings sprouting from his back, which leads to a series of unexpected events and personal transformation. The movie explores themes of redemption, growth, and the complexities of human nature. With no dialogue, the film relies on captivating visuals and a hauntingly beautiful score to convey its narrative.
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