After a short history on bees and bee-keeping, we find Windy the bear's attempts to steal honey from a bee hive (he is teaching his son the "right" way to get honey) only to be attacked by the bee inside. Windy tries a number of attempts to outsmart the bee. He floods the hive, dresses as a queen bee, uses a bathroom plunger to trap the bee (only to get it stuck to various parts of his body) and finally tries to dynamite it, only succeeding in blowing himself up. At the hospital, he is served honey and hotcakes in bed... by a male nurse who looks suspiciously like the bee he just tangled with!
Instead of fishing for salmon in the stream Windy the bear tries to show his son Breezy a shortcut looting a cannery. The guard makes this a difficult task.
Breezy gets into the circus for free on kids' day, but penniless Windy has to resort to guile and intrigue in order to obtain a painful entrance.
A truant officer mistakes Windy Bear for a very large schoolboy playing hooky.
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