Silent House is a horror thriller film directed by Chris Kentis and Laura Lau. It follows a young woman named Sarah who, along with her father and uncle, is renovating an old house. As they work, strange and terrifying events start to occur, and Sarah finds herself trapped inside the house, fighting to survive while uncovering the dark secrets hidden within its walls.
After a road accident, a woman suffers from amnesia and returns home to her estranged family. However, she soon discovers dark secrets and must uncover the truth before it's too late.
In The Window, a 9-year-old boy witnesses a murder in an abandoned building while watching through a window. He becomes trapped in the apartment and must find a way to escape while the murderer tries to dispose of the evidence and kidnap the boy.
Follows the journey of Natalie "Honey Bee" Sorensen, an underage truck stop prostitute trapped in a human trafficking ring until she is transplanted into foster care in remote Northern Ontario and forced to confront her identity.
Daughter of Dr. Jekyll is a fantasy horror movie that follows a woman who uncovers her sinister ancestry and is drawn into a world of mind control, vampires, werewolves, and gothic horror. As she struggles to control her own powers, she must confront the evil forces that threaten her existence.
A group of people enter an old movie studio and are suddenly confronted with a variety of strange phenoma. Among other things they are transported through time and the building is surrounded by a deadly acid fog . The filmmakers also throw Roman centurions, alien spaceships and giant killer roaches at the hapless explorers, decimating the groups one by one.
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