In The Blue Max, a young German soldier named Bruno Stachel joins a pilot school during World War I. Despite facing opposition from his fellow pilots and superiors, Stachel becomes a skilled fighter pilot and sets out to achieve glory in the dangerous world of aerial combat. Along the way, he must navigate the complexities of war, chivalry, ambition, and the rigid military hierarchy. The film explores themes of classism, rivalry, and the impact of total war on individuals. With thrilling dogfights and stunning aerial sequences, The Blue Max captures the excitement, danger, and tragedy of World War I aviation.
Chain Lightning is a gripping movie that follows the story of a test pilot who must overcome personal obstacles and navigate the dangers of experimental aircraft. Set against the backdrop of World War II, the film explores themes of love, loss, and the pursuit of innovation in the field of aviation. With stunning aerial combat scenes and heart-wrenching moments, Chain Lightning is a must-watch for fans of action and drama.
We follow the Newman-Haas (Andretti) racing team through the process of building, testing, and racing for a season. This includes extensive race speed on-track footage, including some pre-race footage with a full squad of cars. From time to time, we check in with a small shop building/restoring one of the first roadsters Mario Andretti raced; the finale includes him taking it for a spin.
In 1930s Miami, an aeronautical engineer is invited to design a groundbreaking airplane. His work obsession strains his marriage, leading to a marital separation. Determined to succeed, he travels across Latin America to gather inspiration and faces challenges including heart disease, typhoons, and a wind tunnel disaster. Along the way, he forms friendships, experiences grief, and finds love. The film captures the spirit of adventure, the beauty of aviation, and the complexities of human relationships.
Jackie and Eugene are joined by a mystical wind tunnel which enables them to speak across a 500-mile desert. Believed by the Indians to be an omen of good luck, the wind inspires both characters to face their fears and follow their hearts.
Detective Charlie Chan investigates a series of murders at a radio station, involving espionage, electromagnetic radiation, and a masked killer.
A father brings a young child to an emergency room to get treatment for a minor injury occurring in an innocent accident, but he gets accused of child abuse. Child welfare agencies commit grossly unfair over-reactions to remove the child forcibly from the Father, who must brave the arcane system to reclaim his daughter.
A documentary investigating the science, aerodynamics and technologies involved in enabling aircraft to travel at speeds approaching or surpassing that of sound.
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