Dallas is a drama/soap TV show set in the 1970s that follows the wealthy Ewing family and their oil empire in Dallas, Texas. The show explores the power struggles, betrayals, and family feuds within the Ewing family, with a particular focus on the intense rivalry between J.R. Ewing and his brothers Bobby and J.R.'s wife, Sue Ellen. The story delves into themes of wealth, power, love, and loyalty, set against the backdrop of the booming oil industry in Texas.
The Ultimate Life is a heartwarming movie set during the Great Depression. It follows the story of a billionaire redhead man named Jason Stevens, who learns valuable life lessons through his relationships with his family and others. With religious overtones, the plot explores themes of love, perseverance, and the importance of faith. Jason's journey takes him from rags to riches as he discovers oil and builds a fence, all while dealing with a lawsuit and navigating complex relationships.
In 1913 Oklahoma, Lena Doyle, a tough, independent woman, discovers huge quantities of crude oil on her land and battles to keep it from falling into the wrong hands.
Boom Town is a movie set in the 1920s during an oil boom in a small town. It follows the story of two wildcatters who become partners and face romantic rivalry, sabotage, and deception. The film portrays the challenges and successes of the oil industry during that time.
In the fishing village of Thunder Bay, an engineer and a fisherman clash over the potential environmental impact of off-shore oil drilling. As tensions rise, they must navigate the conflicts between personal interests, industry greed, and the well-being of their community.
An Englishman inherits the oil rights to a dying man's property in the Canadian Rockies. He faces opposition from a powerful oil company and must fight to strike oil and save the land from destruction.
Louisiana Story is a docudrama set in the 1940s, depicting the story of a young boy who explores the Louisiana bayou while his father works for an oil company. The film highlights the clash between man and nature as the oil industry drills for oil, leading to an oil spill that threatens the wildlife and the boy's way of life.
Jim McNeely thrust into the vibrant and brutal West Texas oilfields in 1939 and works his way through the ranks to ultimately become a formidable wildcatter.
When not drinking and fighting, three wildcatters in search of a gusher are enthusiastically drilling for black gold. The trouble begins when one of them grows dissatisfied with their lifestyle and quits so he can be with his new wife. Unfortunately for him, soon after he leaves, the other two find their gusher and become filthy rich. The impoverished quitter is envious and begins looking for an obscure law that will force his pals to share.
A young man inherits a valuable piece of Texas land that an oil man plots to steal away.
"Wildcatter" Dave Warren and his crew are trying to bring in a new oil well. Dave gives troublemaker Simmons a good thrashing and orders him off the site. In order to complete drilling Dave borrows $50,000 from investment banker J. T. Varley and also begins a romance with Varley's daughter Alice. Varley suffers market reverses and knowing that Dave is about to strike oil hires Simmons to wreck the rig so he can foreclose and take over.
Jim Thornton is an independent wildcat driller in Califonia who hits a gusher and overnight riches, and marries his sweetheart that is a singer at a local saloon. But he can't handle being rich, and the marriage is on the rocks.
The globe-spanning story of the oil industry from the first strikes of the 19th century through the Gulf War. The industry's colorful characters and oil's key role in 20th century history are brought to life by participants and historians.
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