Tiger Theory is a dark comedy that tells the story of a man who rebels against the hypocrisy and oppressive behavior of his society. The protagonist, Jan Berger, is a cynical middle-aged man who becomes disillusioned with his life and the people around him. He decides to revolt against the societal norms and expectations placed upon him, leading to a series of comical and absurd situations.
A woman murders her husband's mistress and someone else gets accused of the crime.
Ferdie's wife is fox-trot crazy, wanting to go dancing all the time. To get out of it, Ferdie fakes an ankle injury. When his wife spies him walking without his crutch, she writes a letter to her stern mother, inviting her to stay with them while Ferdie heals. Rather than face his mother-in-law, Ferdie admits he was faking his injury, and tears up the letter.
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