Westside is a comedic crime drama set in 1970s Auckland, New Zealand. It follows the lives of a group of characters involved in various criminal activities, including safecracking. The show explores themes of infidelity, friendship, and the dynamics of power and betrayal.
A drama TV show exploring marital problems, secret lives, and infidelity within complicated relationships.
Carmina, who works as a maid in a mansion and soon learns about the dirty secret of their masters, Alex and Grace.
Passion Cove is an erotic anthology drama series that aired from March 2000 to April 2001 on Cinemax.
A young and beautiful woman goes to stay with her "eccentric" brother in the country. He - a crazed millionaire painter - is entranced by his sister's beauty, the very reason they were separated in their youth. Unable to hide his yearning for his own flesh and blood, the lady of the house decides to take matters into her own hands to preserve her status...
A young woman finds work on a wealthy couple’s farm, but is asked to provide the ultimate service: to serve as a surrogate mother. As her pregnancy progresses, the husband’s growing sexual attachment intensifies.
A husband discovers that his wife is a nymphomaniac and explores her sexual fantasies, leading to comedic situations and a newfound understanding of their relationship.
A wealthy young couple has a different lifestyle than a neighboring middle-aged couple, but both face intimate issues that impact their private lives.
On the plane back to Rome, a well-known journalist indulges in an unbridled and somewhat melodramatic erotic fantasy involving his estranged wife and his stepdaughter.
Garden of Eden is a drama and romance movie that takes place in 1920s Europe. The story follows a love triangle between a young writer, his wife, and an Italian woman. The film explores themes of desire, jealousy, and the complexities of relationships.
When Jeff Diamond is unexpectedly laid off from his job, his wife Susan accepts an offer by her best friend Kathy to pay Jeff as an escort to a party. Kathy enjoyed Jeff so much she requests him again at a higher rate which includes sex. After being unsuccessful in locating a new job, Susan decides to continue booking escort appointments to make up the lost income.
Little Tony is a dark comedy that explores the complexities of marital problems and open marriages. The story follows a couple who decides to enter an open marriage, leading to a series of hilarious and unexpected events. With themes of lust, adultery, and unconventional relationships, the movie offers a humorous take on the challenges of modern relationships.
Love Me Not is a gripping drama-thriller that explores the complex and powerful bond between a mother and her child. When a devoted mother discovers that her child may be in danger, she must confront her own past and make difficult choices to protect her loved ones. With suspenseful twists and emotional depth, Love Me Not takes viewers on a thrilling and heart-wrenching journey.
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