The Voice of the Moon follows a disillusioned music teacher who embarks on a surreal adventure in Italy. Amidst a nonlinear timeline, he encounters a variety of eccentric characters and experiences surrealism in his search for meaning. Set against the backdrop of the full moon, the film explores themes of disillusionment and personal awakening.
In House Broken, a slacker named Cathkart struggles with money problems and decides to take on various odd jobs to improve his situation. Along the way, he gets involved in hilarious and awkward situations, including encounters with a masseuse, a mannequin, and a peeping tom. As he navigates through these strange experiences, Cathkart learns valuable lessons about life, love, and responsibility.
The Merchant of Four Seasons follows the life of a fruit salesman in Munich who is dealing with alcoholism, an unhappy marriage, and disappointment in his life. As he tries to navigate his problems, he faces disdain from his domineering mother and finds solace in heavy drinking. The film explores themes of self-destructiveness and the struggles of working-class life.
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