Stars in My Crown tells the story of a minister who brings hope and healing to a small Southern town through his faith and kindness. Set in the aftermath of the Civil War, the film explores themes of racism, faith versus science, and community life. With the help of his adopted son, a doctor, and his loyal dog, the minister faces challenges such as typhoid fever and contaminated water, while also contending with a lynch mob and land rights disputes. Through it all, he maintains his belief in the power of love and compassion.
Just before Christmas, Mary Ann adopts a baby girl to raise alone. Due to bad weather, they are stuck in Bethlehem, PA. Without any other option, they stay with Joe, the brother of the innkeeper. As they spend time together, Mary Ann learns the value of community and love, while Joe finds new motivation and starts changing his life. Through the local church's Christmas events, they both begin to see each other in a new light.
The Scottish collie Lassie goes to Alaska. There Lassie meets the Indian boy Neeka, who stays in the woods with his stepfather, who is a Ranger. When on behalf of his school Neeka is collecting plants for his herbarium both Neeka and Lassie have a lot of adventures.
Life turns topsy turvy for the Kuruvila family when each of them face failures in their lives. Will they overcome it or will they go into disarray?
A simple story of overcoming grief via the memories we've made along the way. In this case, the deep emotional connection a place can have, especially in memory of lost ones.
After a young child is kidnapped by a terrible monster, their loyal teddy bear sets off into the woods to rescue them.
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