Amor Real is a gripping telenovela that follows the story of Matilde and Adolfo, two star-crossed lovers whose lives are plagued by secrets, betrayal, and societal expectations. Set in 19th century Mexico, the show explores the hardships faced by Matilde as she navigates through a web of family betrayal, arranged marriages, and heartache. With themes of true love, sacrifice, and resilience, Amor Real is a captivating drama that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats.
This is a historical novel with its Roots in the beginning of XIX century. "Silverplated" were bandits who stole from the routes which transported silver to the states of Guanajuato and Taxco in Mexico. For that reason the bandits were called "the silver plated ones", which means "the silver-plated". It was the social time of the bandits, They would steal from the rich and give to the poor. This soap opera bring that era to us with plenty of excitement and romance.
Sela Ward stars as beautiful, vulnerable heiress Sarah Hardy, recently wed and returning to her isolated childhood home, The Pines, to claim her vast inheritance. But something – or someone – evil waits there for her. It could be real. Or imagined. Whatever it is , it wants to drive Sarah into madness. And on the other side of madness lies murder. Featuring a tour de force performances by Morgan Fairchild and Polly Bergen, The Haunting of Sarah Hardy is sheer gothic suspense at its most wicked.
George McAllister, the black sheep of a wealthy family who has squandered his share of the family inheritance, lives in constant jealousy, hatred and resentment of his half-brother Barry, who has been supporting him. George gets his girlfriend, Carlotta Duval, a job as Barry's nurse, with the idea being to marry him, kill him, and inherit his money—and marrying George.
Blonde Ice is a 1948 film-noir crime drama based on a novel. The story revolves around a femme fatale who is willing to go to extreme lengths, including arranging an alibi and blackmail, to achieve her goals. A woman reporter gets caught in her web of deceit, leading to a thrilling and suspenseful narrative.
Justine is a movie set in Egypt during the 1930s. It follows the story of a poet who gets involved in British colonialism, politics, and religion. The movie explores themes of Jewish identity, anti-colonialism, and conspiracy. Justine also features elements of mystery and romance, as the main character encounters a mysterious woman and falls in love. The plot takes place in Alexandria, Egypt and includes scenes of belly dancing, incarceration, and beach activities. Based on the novel with the same name, the movie touches upon themes such as Zionism, armament, and the British consulate.
Cajun newlyweds must deal with the jealousy of his brother, who also loved her, and the arrival of a mysterious seductress in their bayou backwater.
A man prepares for his perfect Christmas wedding, but encounters unexpected challenges, including mistletoe mishaps, an Alzheimer's Christmas pageant, and a meddling caterer.
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