In a post-apocalyptic future, a vampire hunter named D is hired to retrieve a kidnapped girl from a vampire noble. As he embarks on his mission, he falls in love with the girl and faces various challenges and betrayals. The film explores themes of forbidden romance, tragic love, and the battle between humans and vampires.
Thumbsucker is a comedic drama that follows the story of a teenager named Justin Cobb who struggles with an embarrassing thumb sucking habit. As he navigates through high school, Justin must confront various challenges and life lessons, including his relationship with his parents, his first love, and his search for identity and purpose. With the help of a quirky orthodontist and a hypnotist, Justin embarks on a journey of self-discovery and growth.
Ken Jacobs applies his patented Eternalism process to 3D images he took of Jackson Pollock's 1954 splatter painting.
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