Short Peace is a compilation of animated shorts that explore various themes of sci-fi and fantasy. The film includes stories about robots, possessed objects, samurais, and more. Each short is unique and offers a different perspective on the genre.
In the snowy continent of the South, a devoted mother embarks on a long voyage to find a new family for a baby mammoth. Along the way, she encounters various animals and faces the challenges of the harsh permafrost. With the help of unexpected friends, the mother faces her own loneliness and learns the power of love and determination.
It is a continuation of adventures of the bear cub who searches for the friend and finds him on the Polar station during the New year.
Woody Woodpecker goes out to dine and accidentally stumbles into a taxidermist's shop, thinking it is a restaurant. The taxidermist, wanting a woodpecker to stuff, doesn't inform Woody otherwise.
The film Journeys alongside the filmmakers behind Disneynature’s “Polar Bear” as they face profound challenges 300 miles from the North Pole. The team, who created a revolutionary arctic camp on site, navigated virtually impassible snow drifts and tenuous sea ice, garnering unprecedented footage revealing adaptive behaviors that surprised even this veteran team of filmmakers.
An itinerant sailor meets a beautiful girl on the road and takes a job with her father, the Skipper of an Arctic sealer. He must prove himself stronger than his rival among the glaciers and ice floes.
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