On Christmas Eve, a young boy embarks on a magical adventure to the North Pole on the Polar Express, while learning about friendship, bravery, and the spirit of Christmas. Tom Hanks plays the train conductor of a magical train heading for the North Pole, in addition to five other parts. Based on a storybook written by Chris Van Allsburg, the Christmas story tells of a boy who has reached an age when he begins to have doubts believing in Santa...
The Middle is a sitcom comedy that follows the daily lives of the Heck family, living in Indiana in the 21st century. The show focuses on the challenges and humorous moments they face as a middle-class, dysfunctional family.
A terrifying evil has emerged. The wolves howl once again, calling for the return of Banshees, Werecoyotes, Hellhounds, Kitsunes, and every other shapeshifter in the night. But only a werewolf like Scott McCall, no longer a teenager yet still an Alpha, can gather both new allies and reunite trusted friends to fight back against what could be the most powerful and deadliest enemy they've ever faced.
After the events of Insidious, the Lambert family continue to face supernatural threats as they uncover the dark secrets of their past and try to save their son from the spirit world.
In a world where families are limited to one child due to overpopulation, a set of identical septuplets must avoid being put to a long sleep by the government and dangerous infighting while investigating the disappearance of one of their own. In 2073, overpopulation causes a worldwide crisis. A strict one-child policy is enforced by the Child Allocation Bureau. When multiple children are born to one mother, all but the eldest are put into cryosleep. Karen Settman dies when she gives birth to identical stippled sisters. Their grandfather Terrence names them after the days of the week and trains them to pose as a single individual named after their mother. To safeguard their secret, Terrence ensures they share information at a meeting on a daily basis and replicates any accident that affects one of the sisters' physical appearance. The sisters develop a system of wigs and makeup to cover any identifying features. Terrence reminds them of the importance of going out only one at a time, and that what happens to one of them must happen to all of them. When Thursday breaks the rules by going out on a day that isn't hers, she injures one of her fingers, severing it at the first knuckle. A disappointed Terrence is forced to remove the same portion of finger from all the girls to maintain a single appearance, starting with Monday. Decades later, the sisters have all managed to survive without suspicion...
After the tragic loss of his daughter, a grieving father receives a mysterious invitation to a shack in the woods. There, he meets God in the forms of three individuals and engages in deep conversations that challenge his beliefs and teach him about the power of forgiveness. Through this transformative experience, he learns to heal and find hope once again.
Maximo gets the surprise of his life when his wealthy, 80-year-old wife dumps him for a younger car salesman. Forced out of his mansion, he must move in with his estranged sister Sara and her nerdy son Hugo. Maximo begins to learn the value of family and find redemption.
When Captain James Hook kidnaps his children, Peter Pan must return to Neverland, rediscover his youthful spirit, and challenge his old enemy. In order to save his children, Peter must face his fear of flying and remember his true identity. With the help of Tinkerbell, Peter embarks on an adventure to rescue his children from Hook's clutches. Along the way, Peter reunites with the Lost Boys, battles Hook's pirates, and ultimately learns the importance of family and fatherhood. Will Peter be able to defeat Hook and save his children before it's too late?
Using high tech gadgets, two kids have to save their reactivated OSS top spy parents when they're taken by an evil, high tech enemy. The children discover their parents' secret spy past and embark on a mission to rescue them, facing dangers, robotic clones, and an army of mutant children in the process.
Dennis, a mischievous boy with a knack for getting into trouble, causes chaos in his neighborhood, especially for his grumpy neighbor Mr. Wilson. Despite his mischief, Dennis's innocence and good intentions shine through, making him a lovable troublemaker.
Follow the adventures of Peter Pan, a boy who does not want to grow up, as he recruits three siblings in London to join him on a magical adventure in the enchanted island of Neverland, defying their parents' wishes.
Paranormal Activity 3 is a found footage horror film set in the 1980s. It revolves around a family who experiences supernatural phenomena in their home. The film follows their struggles as they try to uncover the truth behind these haunting events. As they dig deeper, they uncover family secrets and are forced to confront a powerful supernatural entity.
In an alternate reality of Los Angeles, a detective named Daryl Ward and his orc partner, Nick Jakoby, are faced with the task of finding a powerful wand before it falls into the wrong hands. The wand, capable of unleashing darkness upon the world, is sought after by an evil elf named Leilah, who wants to resurrect the Dark Lord. Along the way, Ward and Jakoby encounter corrupt cops, gangsters, and other creatures from this urban fantasy world. With the help of a young elf named Tikka, they must protect the wand and prevent the impending catastrophe.
The Cortez siblings are back as they face a new mission on an island full of genetic experiments and rival secret organizations. With the fate of the world at stake, they must use their spy skills and family bond to save the day.
Emma Woodhouse, a young woman in 19th-century England, meddles in the love lives of her friends and neighbors while attempting to find love herself.
During World War I, a group of Australian soldiers dig tunnels beneath enemy lines in an attempt to undermine the German defences. As they face the perils of the underground and the horrors of war, they must navigate personal sacrifices and the battle of Gallipoli.
When a 12-year-old boy pulls Excalibur from a stone, he is thrust into a centuries-old battle between good and evil. With the help of Merlin, he must unite his friends and fellow knights to defeat the malevolent enchantress Morgana.
When the Henderson family accidentally hits a Bigfoot with their car, they decide to bring him home and name him Harry. As they try to keep Harry hidden and adjust to life with a Bigfoot, they learn the importance of kindness, compassion, and accepting others who are different.
Greg Heffley and his family go on a road trip to attend Meemaw's 90th birthday party. Along the way, they face various challenges and hilarious mishaps, including car trouble, vomiting incidents, and unexpected encounters. As they navigate through these obstacles, they learn valuable lessons about family, friendship, and the importance of staying true to oneself.
Set in the 1960s, a young boy named Bobby and his brother find solace and adventure in their homemade Radio Flyer wagon, using it as a means of escape from their abusive stepfather. Through their imaginative play, they navigate their way through difficult situations and create a sense of hope and resilience.