Pelswick is an animated television series produced by Nelvana for CBC Television in Canada and the Nickelodeon cable channel in the United States. The series is about a teenage boy who uses a wheelchair, emphasized how he lived a normal life and was based on the books created by John Callahan. It aired during Nick on CBS on September 14, 2002, then ended in November the same year.
Mary, a woman struggling with personal and family problems, confronts her estranged father while battling substance abuse and dealing with the effects of her mother's death. She navigates the challenges of her dysfunctional family while trying to find healing and sobriety.
When an awkward, heavily bullied schoolboy from a dysfunctional home discovers a beautiful water nymph hiding in an abandoned Edwardian bathhouse, he must confront his own personal demons in order to save them both from the depraved custodian who keeps the enchanted waters alive with the ritual sacrifice of children.
Method Sampling is explored through the works of a hip-hop orchestra, a disabled choreographer, a self-taught Black mycologist, a tiny house builder and a critical theorist.
The new warden of a large American harbor raises the hackles of sailors and fishermen by his strict enforcement of all the safety rules. He takes the time, though, to romance the sister of his biggest rival.
They're two people whose paths are unlikely to cross. She's (Sharon Cuneta) a rich balikbayan who has returned home to do business; he's (Rudy Fernandez) a just released ex-convict who's trying to build a new life. But fate does work in strange ways
A handicapped boy stuck in a wheelchair dreams of having a friend. Just when a toy airplane flies into his hospital room and magically turns into a boy, who takes him on an outing he will never forget.
East Side gangster Buck Leslie attempts to stop a fight between chemist Gregory and a tough and is pursued by detective Phil Hoyt to a tenement roof where he takes refuge. On the roof he meets crippled Hilda Shea, who shelters him, and they eventually fall in love, the appeal of her innocence causing him to reform. Buck antagonizes the gang, however, and they try to frame him. Hoyt finds Buck on the roof, and during the ensuing fight the tenement catches on fire. Buck rescues Hilda, and she miraculously regains use of her limbs. The detective abandons his pursuit, leaving the lovers happy.
Director's cut of "Hospital Tales", all three parts together. The video has been improved and changed, two new songs have been included.
Informed by ruminations on sexuality, the societal norms we adhere to and powerful themes from the unique writing of magic realist author Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Mist (Bruma) sees a couple’s wedding day shattered by a vengeance born of jealousy and loss.
Action star Roi Vinzon headlines this crime drama as a police captain who brings an aggressive approach in taking down felons responsible for a rampant drug traffic. But the situation becomes problematic when his own flesh and blood gets involved in the crime.
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