The Cure is a comedic short film that takes place at a health spa. The film follows the misadventures of an unnamed protagonist who is an alcoholic. As he tries to recover from his addiction, he gets into various comedic situations, such as getting his head stuck in a door and falling into a pool.
Bosko whistles "It Ain't Gonna Rain No Mo" as he walks down the sidewalk in the pouring rain. His umbrella provides a good sailboat when he wants to cross a flooded street. Meanwhile, Honey is getting dressed and made up. She's about to remove her nightgown when she realizes that we in the audience are watching her. She goes behind a modesty screen, but the mirror reveals all to us. Bosko arrives at Honey's place and one of her friends opens the door. Little does she know that several of her friends are downstairs waiting to surprise her. This is Honey's birthday. Honey's little yapping dog causes trouble before and during the party. Worse trouble comes from her pupil--a little kitten who hides underneath a flowerpot and can't get out from under it. When he finally does, he causes a minor catastrophe.
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