The Party is a slapstick comedy set in the 1960s, revolving around a chaotic dinner party. The film follows the humorous misadventures of the guests, including a clumsy man, a film producer, and a drunken waiter. As the night progresses, the party becomes increasingly wild and absurd, with various mishaps such as a painted elephant, a gatling gun, and a public address system. The film explores themes of cultural clash, misunderstandings, and the comedic consequences of the characters' actions.
The Grandmother is a surreal black-and-white short film that tells the story of a young boy living with his abusive grandmother. The film explores themes of neglect, abuse, and escape in a dark and unsettling manner.
A young boy who still wets the bed finds escapism from his abusive mother and his own embarrassment by going running after school.
In Leave 'Em Laughing, the main characters experience a series of mishaps and comedic situations including traffic congestion, dentist visits, and eviction notices.
Early to Bed is a comedy movie from 1928 about an employer and employee dealing with a bad boss. The movie is in black and white and is a silent film. It follows the adventures of Laurel and Hardy as they navigate their roles as an employer and employee, with hilarious consequences. The film also features a butler, a dog, and a bed, adding to the comedic situations.
A 10-year-old boy confronts the horror of his mother bringing a new man back to their apartment.
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