From Dusk Till Dawn 3: The Hangman's Daughter is a horror-western film set in the 1910s. The story follows a 19-year-old girl who is kidnapped by a group of vampires and the efforts of a group of people to save her. It is a prequel to the cult film From Dusk Till Dawn and explores the origins of the vampire myth and the character of Santanico Pandemonium.
In a post-apocalyptic world, a cyborg samurai seeks revenge against those who raped and killed her sister. Filled with graphic violence, gore, and sexual perversion, this film pushes the boundaries of the exploitation genre.
Jesus, You Know is a thought-provoking documentary that explores the intricacies of religion and spirituality through the lens of various characters' lives. It delves into themes of friendship, self-analysis, and the search for meaning.
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