Big Nothing is a dark comedy crime thriller that tells the story of Charlie, a failed writer, and Gus, a disgraced cop. When Charlie finds a way to blackmail someone, he convinces Gus to help him. However, their plan quickly spirals out of control, leading them into a world of murder, deception, and chaos. As they try to stay one step ahead of the authorities and a dangerous female serial killer, they must confront their own dark secrets and face the consequences of their actions.
Radiostars is a comedy film about a group of radio hosts who go on a road trip to promote their show. The journey is filled with hilarious and chaotic adventures, as they encounter strange encounters and bizarre situations along the way.
Two small town women capture a handsome fugitive who breaks into their house trying to escape a snowstorm and the law.
Lookin' for adventure? Well you found it. Get your motor runnin' and head out to the Wild West…Sturgis, South Dakota, to be exact. Each year, as summer comes to a close, every Harley-crazed character worth his weight in leather takes to the road for this dazed and confused festival of whiskey, women and some 200,000 of Milwaukee's finest machines. Meet Jesse the Human Bomb who straps explosives to his body and blows them up in the name of pyrotechnic glory. The Shithouse Jumper, who makes "Evel Knievel look like a snotty nosed kid!" And the untamed Drew, barreling down the highway of life, making a brief stop in Sturgis to refuel and wed his childhood sweetheart, Ramona. It's all here. Booze, wild women, drag racing, hard drivin' tunes, wicked scooters and much, much more.
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