River is a British crime drama TV show that follows the story of John River, a brilliant police detective who is haunted by the murder victims whose cases he investigates. As he delves deeper into the criminal underworld, he starts to question his own sanity and relies on his instincts, imagination, and empathy to solve the mysteries. Along the way, he forms a deep connection with a missing teenager and experiences hallucinations that blur the line between reality and fantasy.
Camp is a comedy-drama movie about a group of misfit teenagers who attend a summer camp and find friendship and self-discovery. The movie explores themes of friendship, self-acceptance, and the struggles of adolescence. Amidst the camp activities and competitions, the characters deal with personal issues and form meaningful connections with each other.
Gettin' Square is a comedy crime film set on the Gold Coast of Australia. It follows a group of ex-convicts who are trying to go straight but find themselves caught up in a heist. The film explores their relationships and the challenges they face as they try to rebuild their lives.
Set in a small Swedish town, the story is centered around three best friends aged 20. Michelle, a photo model, has a drinking problem which leads to a string of one-night-stands, including sex with the hot tempered boyfriend of Anna. She has just moved in with him and is too much in love too see his faults. Petra is their clever friend who must combine being pregnant with operating her own café.
The story is that of Heza Gobbler and his wife, Ima Gobbler. Both were of normal size in their more youthful days, but a few years after they have “settled down” the extra fat has settled down on them so heavily that when they receive an invitation to a banquet neither can get Into the “glad rags” which have laid unused in their trunks for several years. When Mrs. Eaton Growthin, who was bridesmaid at their wedding, calls, Mrs. Ima Gobbler is moved to envy by her slender, graceful figure. Mrs. Gobbler is introduced to a specialist by her more slender friend, and in a few minutes receives his brief outline of the simple home method which she is to follow to lose weight. She follows the easy method for five months, and when she returns to the specialist’s office, his scales show that she has lost forty pounds. An entertaining story and clever comedy have been combined In "How to Grow' Thin” with a vital lesson to the great number of people who have a tendency to “grow fat.”
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