Set in post-revolutionary Cuba, 'Memories of Underdevelopment' follows the story of a man named Sergio who struggles to find meaning and purpose in a changing society. Through his observations and experiences, the film explores themes of politics, voyeurism, and personal identity. Based on a novel, the film provides a unique perspective on life in 1960s Cuba.
Love Me! is a heartwarming movie that follows the life of a young graphic designer in Germany who is seeking love and companionship. She finds herself in a complicated older man-younger woman relationship, which leads to a surprising pregnancy. As she navigates through the challenges of love and motherhood, she forms unexpected connections with a houseguest and a computer repairman. Through laughter and tears, this movie explores themes of loneliness, family relationships, and the search for happiness.
Shrewdly structured psychological British drama starring Tom Hughes and Ruta Gedmintas as a well-to-do young couple whose comfortable life is disrupted when a troubled teenage girl (Tasha Connor) becomes part of their ordered life. It is a tense and cleverly off-kilter drama, well performed and astutely thought-provoking. It makes great use of its Yorkshire locations, creating a tense and memorably intriguing atmosphere.
An Englishwoman turns nanny and kidnaps the son of an Italian gangster who took over her dancing school.
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