In Ghost Town, a man named Bertram Pincus unexpectedly gains the ability to see and communicate with ghosts after a near-death experience during a routine medical procedure. With this newfound ability, Bertram finds himself being pursued by a lonely ghost named Frank who wants him to prevent his widow from marrying another man. Along the way, Bertram also forms an unlikely friendship with a spirited woman named Gwen. As Bertram navigates his way through the world of the supernatural, he learns valuable lessons about life, love, and the importance of human connections.
Maki, a creative executive with a deep-seated loathing for vegetables, meets Nagisa, a closeted gay vegetarian with amazing cooking skills and they end up as roommates. Being complete opposites, the two initially clash. But Maki falls for Nagisa and his food over time. As they begin accepting the other as they are, a unique relationship flourishes.
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