Nazi Megastructures (2013) is a documentary TV show that delves into the failed projects, overstatements, and fortifications of Nazi Germany during World War Two. It explores the construction, engineering, and armament industry of Nazi Germany, as well as weapons research and technology. The show also touches upon the dark side of Nazi propaganda and the waste that occurred in their plan for world domination. Reenactments and historical analysis bring to life the failed ambitions and plan-gone-wrong of Adolf Hitler's regime.
In a top-secret research project, a chimpanzee becomes exposed to radiation, giving him incredible powers. As the military tries to contain him, the chimp begins to question the inhumanity of his situation and embarks on a mission to seek justice.
In the year 2031, a scientist is unexpectedly transported to an alternate reality where he meets Dr. Frankenstein and his monster. As he tries to find a way back home, he becomes entangled in a battle against time and the consequences of scientific experimentation gone wrong.
Future Weapons is a thrilling documentary series that takes viewers into the world of advanced weaponry and military technology. Each episode dives deep into the development and use of cutting-edge weapons that could shape the future of warfare. From futuristic warplanes to advanced robotics and deadly firearms, Future Weapons showcases the latest innovations in military technology.
Tribute to Desmond Llewelyn who playing Q in 17 James Bond films. This trailer with archief footage was created as tribute for SE dvd of The World Is Not Enough. His final movie before he died on 19 December 1999.
A Navy lieutenant is borrowed by the British to supervise torpedo experiments after one of their scientists is killed.
Inside the lab of Q
The building and launch of the British-made Blue Streak rocket.
One of the few atomic testing operations ever to be conducted by the U.S. Department of Defense at both the Pacific Proving Grounds and the Nevada Test Site, Operation Hardtack combined balloon shots, surface shots, barge shots, underwater shots, underground shots, tower shots and missile shots.
Formerly classified, this motion picture material documents Operation Tumbler Snapper, which detonated small yield atomic weapons to determine their effectiveness on troops, animals and buildings.
The atomic bomb was brought to 'America's doorstep' during nuclear tests conducted in the Nevada desert in the 1950s. "At Ground Zero" contains the first ever compilation of the full length official documentaries that chronicle the effects of these tests as the full fury of a nuclear bomb is demonstrated on the typical American home.
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