Nazi Megastructures (2013) is a documentary TV show that delves into the failed projects, overstatements, and fortifications of Nazi Germany during World War Two. It explores the construction, engineering, and armament industry of Nazi Germany, as well as weapons research and technology. The show also touches upon the dark side of Nazi propaganda and the waste that occurred in their plan for world domination. Reenactments and historical analysis bring to life the failed ambitions and plan-gone-wrong of Adolf Hitler's regime.
Kalashnikov AK-47 is a biographical drama set during World War II, showcasing the life of Mikhail Kalashnikov, the inventor of the famous AK-47 assault rifle. The movie explores his journey from a wounded soldier to a renowned gunsmith, highlighting the challenges and glory of his accomplishments. It delves into the intricate process of weapon construction and showcases the impact of his invention on the Red Army. With a focus on his personal struggles and the historical context of the Soviet Union, it pays homage to the resilience of the Russian people during the Great Patriotic War.
In post-Soviet Russia, a man seeks revenge against his abusive brother, dragging a dead body and constructing homemade weapons along the way.
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