Lavatory Lovestory is a heartwarming animated short film about a middle-aged, unkempt lavatory attendant who spends her days cleaning and daydreaming in the public restroom. One day, she discovers a tip jar filled with flowers and becomes intrigued by the person leaving them. Through a series of encounters, she develops a secret admirer relationship with a stranger who captures her heart. The film beautifully explores themes of loneliness, hope, and unexpected connections.
The Abomination is a horror movie about a man who becomes possessed by a supernatural power after finding a mysterious object. He begins a killing spree, leaving a trail of blood and gore in his wake. As the body count rises, it becomes clear that something evil has taken control of him.
British 'Semi-Fictional' sports drama featuring Grand Prix motorcycle racing world champion Barry Sheene as himself. It tells the story of Sheene's pursuit of the world title, including his recovery from a near-fatal accident at Silverstone.
Movie Overview (English) - Required (minimum 10 characters)
A drunken war correspondent, a prostitute and happy-go-lucky Italian GI barely escape a bombing of Manila, only to realize that the island they land on has been captured by the Japanese. They hook up with a band of Allied survivors and attempt to escape.
A cruising adventure gets to its climax at the restroom of an opera house.
After a bizarre encounter with a mysterious stranger, a struggling writer discovers he has inherited a fortune worth billions. As he navigates through his newfound wealth, he realizes that money doesn't guarantee happiness and must decide what truly matters in life.
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