The Spanish Earth is a documentary film that chronicles the struggles and achievements of the Spanish peasants during the Spanish Civil War. It portrays the arid lands, the sweeping of the streets, and the destruction caused by air raids. The film also highlights the role of military officers and showcases the rural setting and the peasantry. It serves as a propaganda piece, focusing on the resilience and determination of the Spanish people. The documentary captures the atmosphere of the 1930s and includes scenes of a German airplane, a city in ruins, waterworks, bakery, irrigation projects, and art preservation.
A chemical engineer, who recently moved to town, struggles to find a way to kill a deadly new variant of Cryptosporidium that has infiltrated the town's water supply, causing people who drink it to die of thirst.
Journey to the Sun is a drama set in Turkey, following a young Kurdish boy who sets out on a journey to find his missing father. Along the way, he encounters various challenges and experiences the hardships faced by Kurdish people. The film explores themes of protest, terrorism, and the struggle for justice.
Robert Kane, owner of the Bar-L Ranch, has received word from his attorney that he will have to marry Ann Scott before the 15th of the month, whom he has never met, or else lose the title to the Vista Water Company, which Ann has inherited under the condition that she be married. There is dirty-work afoot, instigated by a lawyer.
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