Yogi Bear (2010) follows the story of a mischievous bear and his loyal sidekick, Boo-Boo, as they try to sabotage the plans of a greedy mayor who wants to close down their beloved Jellystone Park. With the help of a documentary filmmaker, they embark on a wild adventure filled with humor, pie-in-the-face antics, and a mix of live-action and CGI. Along the way, Yogi and Boo-Boo encounter various obstacles, including theft, explosions, and even bribery, as they fight to save their home and protect the endangered species that reside within the park.
A young boy and his loyal dog, Lassie, embark on a thrilling adventure to rescue his kidnapped grandfather and save their farm. Together, they face various challenges and overcome jealousy, danger, and raging waters. Along the way, they form a strong bond and become protectors of their family and sheep. Set in beautiful Shenandoah Valley, this family movie showcases the power of love and loyalty.
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