The Shiny Shrimps is a comedy-drama movie that follows a water polo team as they train to compete in the Gay Games. The team faces various challenges and awkward situations while dealing with homophobia and stereotypes. They form a strong bond and work together to overcome obstacles and prove themselves as athletes. The movie explores themes of acceptance, LGBTQ+ pride, and the power of teamwork.
Not Knowing is a movie about a doctor who discovers shocking family secrets when he enters into a legal battle over a contested will. As he uncovers the truth, he must confront issues of cruelty, homophobia, and dysfunctional family relationships. The plot delves into themes of identity, regret, and the lengths people will go to protect their secrets.
In order to win the gold medal in the 1992 Barcelona Summer Olympics, the Spanish National water-polo team hires the toughest world trainer.
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