In They Call Me Jeeg (2015), a small-time crook named Enzo Ceccotti becomes a superhero known as "Jeeg" after being exposed to radioactive waste. He reluctantly uses his newfound powers to fight against the Camorra, a powerful criminal organization in Rome, Italy. Along the way, Enzo forms an unlikely relationship with a young woman named Alessia, whom he saves from being taken hostage by the Camorra. Together, they navigate through a world filled with violence and corruption, as Enzo tries to come to terms with his identity as a superhero and his role in protecting the city he calls home.
After being pushed into a marriage they don't want, a group of high school students plan a hilarious and outrageous revenge on their tormentors. Set in the 1950s, the film follows their misadventures, including cheating at a game, watching a pornographic film, and organizing a pool party.
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