Marvel's Spidey and His Amazing Friends (2021) is an animated TV show centered around the iconic superhero Spider-Man and his team of friends. Together, they use their unique powers and abilities to protect the city from various villains and save the day. Join Spidey, Ghost-Spider, and his other amazing friends on exciting adventures filled with action, teamwork, and superhero action.
The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes follows the adventures of the Avengers as they come together to protect Earth from a wide range of threats. The team consists of Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Ant-Man, Wasp, Hawkeye, and Black Panther, each with their own unique abilities. They must work together to overcome obstacles and save the world from danger.
Scott Lang and Hope Van Dyne are trapped in the Quantum Realm with Hope's parents and Scott's daughter Cassie. They must find a way to escape while uncovering the secrets of Hope's mother and facing off against the mysterious Kang, a time-traveling adversary.
Armed with a super-suit that can shrink and increase his strength, Scott Lang must help his mentor, Dr. Hank Pym, execute a plan to save the world. However, he must first navigate the world of heists and superheroes to become the hero he is destined to be.
Makoto, Adi, and Chloe attend a special training school where they train to become the heroes of the next generation. Unfortunately for them they are actually science experiments for Hydra. When Adi and Chloe get captured by Hydra for learning the truth, Makoto seeks out the one group he believes could help them- The Avengers. After rescuing the kids The Avengers decide to take them in and train them to be the heroes of the future.
A group of teenagers join forces with the Avengers, Earth's mightiest heroes, to fight against the tyrannical Loki and his mighty empire.
In Ultimate Avengers 2 (2006), the Avengers must join forces once again to protect the Earth from an alien invasion. As they face a powerful enemy, the heroes must overcome their differences and work together to ensure the survival of humanity. With action-packed battles, stunning animation, and a thrilling storyline, Ultimate Avengers 2 is a must-watch for fans of superhero movies.
A group of superheroes known as The Avengers join forces to protect the world from various threats and villains using their unique powers and abilities. Together, they must learn to work as a team and overcome their differences to save the day.
Ultimate Avengers: The Movie follows a team of Marvel superheroes including Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Black Widow, and others as they come together to battle an alien invasion. With their individual powers and skills, they must overcome their differences and work together to save the world.
After becoming the superhero known as Ant-Man, a scientist named Scott Lang discovers that he can shrink in size and gain superhuman strength. He must use his new abilities to protect the world from an alien invasion and save humanity. Along the way, he teams up with other heroes and faces various challenges. With a mix of action, comedy, and adventure, Marvel's Ant-Man is an exciting TV show that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Medical student Mark Curry's world is turned upside down when he meets Ike Harris, a man who believes that he is part of a centuries-old race of super-powered beings put here on Earth by aliens to preserve and safeguard the planet, and even crazier, tries to convince Mark that he is one too.
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