Bagatelle follows the journey of a woman who is dumped by her partner just before Christmas. She decides to embark on a road trip to find solace and discovers unexpected connections along the way. Through encounters with a mysterious motorcycle rider, a gas station attendant, and a clock collector, she learns the importance of self-discovery and finding her own path to happiness. With moments of warmth and reflection, Bagatelle is a captivating exploration of love, loss, and the power of resilience.
It’s like almost all is lost. Yet still they are here – abandoned bungalows, an artificial lake, dirty plastic bottles, lost donkeys and stray dogs, draining pipes running over fields of salt, deserted factories, statues of revolutionaries, concrete playgrounds covered with weeds, rotten fruit, folded T-shirts, pop songs, decades of forgetting, a single room with a blue tent inside. And it felt like a kiss.
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