Farewell (1983) is a drama film that tells the story of a remote village in Russia that is scheduled to be flooded due to the construction of a hydroelectric power station. The film revolves around the struggles of the villagers as they face eviction and the destruction of their homes and way of life. It explores themes of tradition, resistance, and the impact of progress on rural communities.
A campaign boss is looking for three delegates to the presidential convention, delegates that are too stupid to discover that his candidate, Hammond Egger, is a crook. Enter the stooges as janitors sent to clean the man's office. After some of their antics, the boy's suitability for the job is apparent and they're hired. The stooges go to the convention, but double cross their boss and vote for another candidate, Abel Lamb Stewer. When the boss and his muscle man come looking for revenge, the boys defeat them in a wild fight.
A story of a big family living in French countryside between First and second world wars.
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