In Transformers: Armada, two factions of alien robots, the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons, crash-land on Earth and battle for control of a powerful energy source called the Mini-Cons. As the war escalates, humans become involved and must choose sides. The fate of both Earth and Cybertron hangs in the balance.
Farscape follows the adventures of John Crichton, an astronaut who is accidentally transported to a distant part of the universe through a wormhole. He finds himself on the run from the Peacekeepers, a militaristic alien race, and forms an unlikely group of allies while trying to find a way back home. Along the way, he encounters strange creatures, colorful characters, and navigates the political conflicts of different alien races.
Stargate Atlantis follows the adventures of an international team of scientists and military personnel who discover an ancient city in the Pegasus Galaxy. This city, Atlantis, is not only home to the remnants of an advanced, ancient civilization, but also the gateway to other planets and the threat of a powerful enemy known as the Wraith.
Diana, an Amazonian warrior princess, discovers her true powers when she leaves her secluded island paradise to fight alongside men in a war to end all wars. She becomes Wonder Woman, a hero who is determined to bring peace to the world.
In the 24th century, a group of Transformers known as Maximals engage in a battle with Predacons on prehistoric Earth. With the help of their robotic forms and advanced technology, they fight to protect the planet and uphold the honor of their warrior race.
Fleeing from his own race, Orgun—an alien being with superhuman abilities and unearthly weapons—travels to Earth to find an answer to his origin. There, he bonds with a young man named Tomoru to defend Earth against the Evoluders, who seek nothing but destruction of other civilizations.
During an archaeological expedition on Bouvetøya Island in Antarctica, a team of scientists find themselves caught up in a battle between Aliens and Predators. As they explore an ancient pyramid, they inadvertently awaken an Alien queen and become trapped. With the help of a lone Predator, the surviving humans must fight to escape as the Aliens multiply. They discover that the Predators have been visiting Earth for centuries, using humans as hosts for the Aliens in a hunt. The survivors must ensure the Predators succeed in their hunt to prevent the Aliens from spreading further.
Ewoks is an action-packed TV show set on the moon of Endor, following the adventures of the cute and courageous Ewok tribe. They battle evil forces, including witches and monsters, to protect their home. Join them in this surreal, fictional war against the villains!
Wing Commander Academy is an American animated television series created and produced by Universal Cartoon Studios, along with a team led by Larry Latham. The show was based on the Wing Commander franchise and loosely served as a prequel to Wing Commander. The show's premiere airdate was September 21, 1996 in USA Network's "Action Extreme Team" block. The series' last episode aired on December 21, 1996.
Join Goku and his friends as they embark on a thrilling adventure through outer space, battling powerful enemies and saving the world.
In the year 2121, a transport ship mysteriously explodes in a remote region of space. The crew of the Redemption go to investigate and find an alluring female cyborg. Before long an alien contagion starts to take over the minds of the crew and the race is on to find a cure and stop their ship from being destroyed as well.
Set in a mythical world, the story of an unlikely love story between a young human and a mermaid.
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