The Name of the Game (1968) is a TV show that follows the lives and careers of three protagonists - an investigative reporter, an editorial assistant, and a magazine publisher - working for a publishing company called Howard Publications. Set in the 1960s and 1970s, the show explores various storylines and parallel narratives, revolving around topics such as organized crime, politics, and business. With flamboyant characters and a focus on the war on crime, the show provides an in-depth look into the world of journalism, showcasing the challenges and triumphs faced by the protagonists.
Mikhael is a sergeant in charge of BOPE, always on dangerous missions in Rio de Janeiro. But after getting involved in a controversial operation that culminated to a slaughter, he is transferred to a police unit at the state countryside.
In a near-future dystopia, a female cyborg seeks vengeance against a gang leader and a mad scientist while battling political corruption and a war on crime. With her martial arts skills and one-woman army tactics, she fights to bring justice to the lawless city.
In 'The End of Violence,' a movie producer finds himself caught up in a surveillance operation after witnessing a murder. As he navigates the dangerous world of government surveillance and violence, he must confront his own lost identity and the difficulties in his marriage. The film explores themes of the movie business, murder, the war on crime, and the impact of violence.
Thieves break into a warehouse that stores guns, steal them and kill the night watchman. An undercover agent assigned to the case happens to get into a traffic accident with the sister of the man the police suspect is head of the burglary ring, and in order to work his way into the gang, he romances the boss' sister. Complications ensue when the two fall in love.
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