This docu-drama spans fifteen turbulent years in the political and personal life of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, one of the most enigmatic and polarizing Prime Ministers in Canadian history. The film explores the many facets of his character and his vision for his country which has both inspired and frustrated Canadians.
Octobre is a drama film that depicts the events of the October Crisis in Quebec in 1970, when a group of Quebecois separatists kidnapped a British trade commissioner. The film explores the ethnic conflict, terrorism, and political tensions surrounding the crisis.
In 1970s Quebec, a French-Canadian man finds himself falsely accused of terrorism during the FLQ crisis and imprisoned under martial law. The film explores the impact of the war measures act and the Quebec separatist movement on his life.
An imaginative history of editorial cartooning in Canada. The documentary provides a witty take on Canada's history through the eyes of political cartoonists like Duncan Macpherson, Robert LaPalme, and Aislin (Terry Mosher). Over 50 artists' notable cartoons and their impact are explored, capturing reactions from their subjects. One cartoonist sums it up: "A picture is worth a thousand words, but a well-crafted cartoon is worth a thousand pictures." An absolute must for cartoon buffs.
Explore the events and aftermath of the October Crisis of 1970 in Canada, when the Front de libération du Québec (FLQ) kidnapped two government officials, leading to the implementation of the War Measures Act and a martial law-like situation.
A documentary recounting the kidnappings of British Trade Commissioner James Cross and Quebec Vice-Premier & Minister of Labour Pierre Laporte by the FLQ on October 5, 1970 in Quebec.
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