After the devastating events of Avengers: Infinity War, the universe is in ruins. With the help of their remaining allies, the Avengers assemble once more to steal the Infinity Stones back from Thanos and use them to reverse his actions and restore balance to the universe. They face challenges and sacrifices along the way, but ultimately succeed in defeating Thanos and saving the universe.
Tony Stark, a billionaire industrialist, builds a high-tech suit of armor to save his own life and becomes the superhero Iron Man. He uses his advanced technology to fight against various villains and protect the world from threats.
A group of teenagers join forces with the Avengers, Earth's mightiest heroes, to fight against the tyrannical Loki and his mighty empire.
Iron Man: Armored Adventures follows the story of a teenage Tony Stark who must balance his high school life with his responsibilities as Iron Man. With the help of his friends Pepper Potts and James Rhodes, Tony fights against various villains and saves the world using his advanced suit of armor.
Iron Man faces off against a dangerous new enemy called Technovore.
The Environmental Clean-up Conference is off to anything but a smooth start when Tony Stark realizes his fellow competitor is his rival Justin Hammer!
James Rhodes, aka War Machine faces the consequences of Tony Stark's worst fear coming true: what happens when his tech falls into the wrong hands?
Marvel Super Heroes: What The--?! continues Marvel’s tradition of comic book satires as made popular in the Marvel comic book series NOT BRAND ECHH (from the 1960s) and What The--?! (from the 1990s). This time around, it’s not only a new millennium but a new medium, with Marvel exercising its might in the world of stop-motion animation.
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