Three Wishes for Cinderella is a magical retelling of the classic Cinderella story. It follows a young orphan girl named Cinderella who lives with her evil stepmother and stepsisters. With the help of three magical wishes and her own determination, Cinderella overcomes various obstacles to find her true love and live happily ever after.
When a man named Miles inadvertently becomes a contestant in an underground game show where contestants fight to the death, he must find a way to survive while dealing with the consequences of his newfound fame and the dangers that come with it.
During the Franco-Mexican War, a cowboy and a nun form an unlikely alliance as they travel through Mexico, facing danger and adventure along the way.
After Blue is a surreal and erotic fantasy movie set in a post-apocalyptic world. It follows a blonde woman who works as a hairdresser by day and embarks on a passionate and dangerous mission by night. She encounters various neo-western and sci-fi elements, such as guns, torture, tentacles, and a fantasy versus reality theme. The movie explores themes of femininity, desire, and survival.
A wild-west trader and his New York wife head out for the California by wagon train. The trader is killed enroute, and his wife finds herself with child. She continues on hoping to find a man and a home.
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