The Rat Pack is a biographical drama that chronicles the lives of the iconic group of entertainers, including Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., and others. Set in the 1950s and 1960s, the movie explores their rise to fame, their friendships, and their involvement with the Kennedy family. It delves into their experiences in the music industry, their relationships with notable figures like Marilyn Monroe and Ava Gardner, and their run-ins with organized crime. The film also highlights themes of racism and the challenges they faced in an era of heightened racial tensions.
Citizen Cohn is a biographical drama that follows the life of lawyer Roy Cohn, known for his involvement in McCarthyism and his controversial actions. The movie explores Cohn's relationships with powerful figures such as J. Edgar Hoover and Joseph McCarthy, and delves into his personal life as a closeted homosexual. It covers significant events like the Army-McCarthy hearings and Cohn's eventual death.
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