Howard is a documentary film that tells the story of Howard Ashman, the talented lyricist known for his work on Disney's animated films during the 1980s. The film explores his childhood, his rise in the theater industry, his creative partnership with composer Alan Menken, and his battle with AIDS. It also delves into his contributions to iconic films like The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast.
Out of Shadows (2020) is a documentary that delves into the dark underbelly of the entertainment industry, examining topics like corruption, human trafficking, satanic cults, political corruption, child sex trafficking, psychological operations, Hollywood, Jeffrey Epstein, mass media, the entertainment industry, Nazi occultism, medical experiments, LSD, mysterious deaths, mainstream media, the movie industry, investigative journalism, Operation Paperclip, the CIA, movie stuntmen, PizzaGate, the Walt Disney Company, Hillary Clinton, and MK-Ultra.
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