Tokyo Sonata is a drama film that showcases the struggles and tensions within a middle-class family in Tokyo, Japan. The story revolves around the father's decision to hide his job loss and spend his days pretending to still be employed. Meanwhile, the mother starts working in a shopping mall and the older son joins the American army. The younger son discovers a secret and becomes a hostage in a stranger's house. As the family members deal with their individual problems, the movie explores themes of alienation, family relationships, and the impact of the American occupation of Japan.
When a young woman named Aubrey receives a cryptic message from her late friend, she embarks on a journey to uncover the truth. She finds herself in a deserted town, with only a pet turtle and a cassette tape as her companions. As she listens to the tape, she starts to experience ghostly visions and nightmares. With a sense of danger lurking around every corner, Aubrey must unravel the mystery before it's too late. The film combines elements of drama, horror, sci-fi, and thriller to create a unique and atmospheric story.
Pasha is a crime drama movie set in Paris, France. It follows the story of a mass murderer who seeks revenge and starts a killing spree disguised as suicides. The police officer investigating the case tries to unravel the mystery and stop the murderer. As the plot unfolds, it becomes clear that there is more to the story than meets the eye, involving stolen money, jewelry theft, and a conspiracy involving crooked police officers. With twists and turns, Pasha keeps the audience guessing until the very end.
A deaf boy named Frankie lives with his single mother, Lizzie, in a small seaside town in Scotland. Lizzie invents letters from Frankie's father, whom he believes is a sailor. When a new stranger arrives in town and starts working at the local fish-and-chip shop, Frankie suspects that he may be his father and forms a bond with him. However, the truth about his father is eventually revealed, leading to a hopeful ending.
Hands over the City (1963) tells the story of a politician and real estate developer's mayoral campaign, filled with corruption and scandal. The film explores the themes of cronyism, deception, and the effects of unethical political practices on a city. Set in 1960s Italy, it exposes the realities of the construction business and the manipulation of public opinion for personal gain. As tensions rise, a cover-up involving a fake accident is revealed, exposing the greed and lies at the heart of the developer's plans. The plot revolves around the struggle between the working class and powerful businessmen, with the city council and government becoming entangled in the web of politics and power.
A gangster, his girlfriend, and an old woman get involved in a series of absurd and comical situations in Paris, including traps, parodies, and revenge.
In Police, Adjective, a police officer struggles with an ethical conflict when asked to arrest a teenage boy for smoking marijuana. The film offers a satirical portrayal of bureaucracy and questions the authority of the police. With dry humor and a blend of drama and comedy, this Romanian New Wave film explores the moral dilemmas faced by law enforcement.
L'Argent (1928) is a silent film set in 1920s Paris and explores themes of greed, debt, and the consequences of financial speculation. The story revolves around a banker who manipulates the stock market and incurs a massive debt. As his financial situation deteriorates, he resorts to desperate measures, leading to tragic consequences for those around him.
Carson City tells the story of a group of railroad engineers who face various challenges and conflicts while constructing a tunnel in Carson City, Nevada. The plot revolves around sibling rivalry, a romantic triangle, and an outlaw gang plotting sabotage.
A multi phobia-plagued single woman who hasn't left her apartment in six years finds her carefully organized existence disrupted by her hot new 'on-the-go' neighbor.
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