In this retelling of the classic ballet, a girl named Mary receives a Nutcracker doll on Christmas Eve. When the clock strikes midnight, she embarks on a magical adventure, where she must help defeat the Rat King and save the Nutcracker Prince. Along the way, she encounters fairies, toys that come to life, and learns the true meaning of Christmas.
Moradora (2016) is a surrealistic movie that takes viewers on a journey through the mind of a psychiatric patient. Set in a psychiatric hospital, the film explores themes of fantasy, psyche, and dark fantasy. The protagonist, a patient in the asylum, experiences vivid dreams and delusions, blurring the lines between reality and the imaginary. As the story unfolds, the audience is taken on a mesmerizing and psychedelic trip through the patient's mind, encountering elements of time travel, surreal landscapes, and tragic romance. The film also delves into the use of electroshock therapy as a treatment method, adding to the surreal and unsettling atmosphere. Moradora is a thought-provoking film that challenges the viewer's perception of reality and dives deep into the inner workings of the human mind.
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