The Party is a slapstick comedy set in the 1960s, revolving around a chaotic dinner party. The film follows the humorous misadventures of the guests, including a clumsy man, a film producer, and a drunken waiter. As the night progresses, the party becomes increasingly wild and absurd, with various mishaps such as a painted elephant, a gatling gun, and a public address system. The film explores themes of cultural clash, misunderstandings, and the comedic consequences of the characters' actions.
Little Manhattan is a delightful romantic comedy that tells the story of a 10-year-old boy named Gabe who experiences his first love in the bustling streets of New York City. Gabe is smitten with Rosemary, a quirky and confident girl in his karate class. As they navigate the ups and downs of their blossoming relationship, Gabe discovers the complexities of love, friendship, and growing up. With its charming and relatable characters, Little Manhattan is a heartwarming tale that reminds us all of the innocence and excitement of young love.
A man named Larry Wilson, who works as a teetotaler and a businessman in a small town, falls into a hole while on a cruise and hits his head. When he wakes up, he believes he is a con artist named George Carey. As George, Larry returns to his hometown and meets his wife Kay again. He pretends to woo her to get access to her safe, but ends up falling in love with her. However, his true identity is revealed when a police officer recognizes him as Larry. Together, Larry and Kay uncover a scam and save the town, and their love story is rekindled.
Mr. Brown is riding home from work one day with his new neighbor, Mr. Johnson. When Brown explains that he has all kinds of problems at home, Johnson wants to help him. So, when they arrive, Johnson gives Brown a demonstration of one of the tricks that he uses to get his family to act as he wishes them too. But when Brown tries out Johnson's ideas on his own, things do not go as planned.
Charley is an efficiency expert trying to teach a millionaire's daughter the value of money.
It should have been just a normal day of sex, fun, alcohol, hormones and debauchery for Tabitha and Mimi, two over-privileged twenty-somethings. But that so-called normalcy gets tossed out the window when a devastating event occurs at a pool party.
Marius and Ebba are a couple in their late 20s who are in constant conflict, even though they love each other deeply. Every New Year's Eve they try to break up. A story about love and dysfunction told over the course of three years.
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