Fireworks is a crime drama movie set in Tokyo, Japan. It follows a retired detective who is diagnosed with terminal cancer and sets out to avenge the death of his daughter. The story explores themes of grief, cynicism, and loneliness as the detective gets involved in illegal activities and takes on the yakuza. Along the way, he forms unexpected friendships and confronts his own mortality.
An island in Japan is the site for the dumped and the refuse. Nanakusa and Yu who were childhood and school friends meet on this island that is called Kaiden, a scary name that only refers to things not normal or earthly. The reunited friends strike a bargain and are soon involved in cases most would not dare be involved in or become entangled in.
After her successful career as a cardiologist in the city, a woman returns to her hometown and reconnects with her old flame, who is now an entrepreneur. As they spend time together, they reminisce about their past and realize that their love never truly faded. The couple faces obstacles as they navigate their newfound relationship and work towards building a future together.
Peach Girl (2017) follows the story of a high school girl who finds herself caught in a love triangle. As she navigates the complexities of friendships, love, and popularity, she must make difficult choices that will shape her future. With themes of jealousy, rivalry, and self-discovery, this movie explores the challenges faced by teenagers in their journey to find themselves.
A man returns to the sea where he spent his childhood summers in search of peace following the death of his wife.
Age of Summer is a movie set in 1980s California about a teenage boy experiencing his first summer romance and coming-of-age journey. He navigates through friendships, first-time experiences, and the excitement of the beach and surfing.
After failing her university entrance exam, Sakuko is invited by her aunt Mikie to spend summer vacation in a beautiful seaside town. Sakuko gets to know the people of the town, including Takashi, a shy relative of her childhood friend.
Four pianists take part in the preliminary round of an international piano playing competition. Each has a story that is different and unique. One is a former child prodigy who stopped playing when her mother died. One is a Julliard student. One is a new face and yet comes recommended.
A woman works as a prostitute and attendant to make a living at a bathhouse. She is athletic and is an avid runner. She has met and adopted a white dog and the two have become inseparable. It is the biggest tragedy and calamity when the dog is found dead, killed, murdered. The woman swears to find justice by finding the murderer and making things right.
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