The Queen of Versailles is a documentary that follows the journey of a wealthy couple, David and Jackie Siegel, as they build the largest single-family home in the United States. However, their extravagant lifestyle is abruptly disrupted by the 2008 financial crisis, leading to their struggle with bankruptcy and the subsequent impact on their family dynamics. Through a candid and often shocking lens, the film explores themes of wealth, debt, family, and the consequences of pursuing the American dream.
Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price is a documentary that uncovers the negative impact of Wal-Mart's business practices. It explores issues such as slave labor, pollution, land development, and the consequences of Wal-Mart's expansion on local businesses and communities.
In Devil's Playground, the film explores the lives of Amish teenagers as they experience the rumspringa, a time of freedom and exploration. It delves into the challenges they face when navigating the outside world and the conflict between their religious beliefs and desires.
It's a clothing rollback! Playboy presents the Women of Wal-Mart. Known for their reputation for being cheerful, hundreds of the sexiest female associates from across the country answered Playboy's call to smile for the camera. Go behind the scenes of their sizzling photo shoots, view their exclusive Playboy video profiles and hear revealing stories of their craziest on- and off-duty sexcapades. Guaranteed to leave viewers with a smiley face!
In this feature documentary, 6 student activists visit 36 Canadian towns to take on one giant corporation. Filmed over 2 summers, these young crusaders (plus a gonzo journalist) try to raise public awareness about Wal-Mart's business practices and their effect on cities and towns across Canada. With youthful passion and often hilarious cultural jams, this film takes us to the frontlines of the ongoing debate over the company's increasing dominance in the Canadian retail market.
What Would Jesus Buy? is a documentary comedy that delves into the commercialization of Christmas and the rise of consumerism. The film follows Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping Gospel Choir as they embark on a cross-country journey to save Christmas from the shopocalypse.
Store Wars is a documentary that examines the effects of the arrival of Wal-Mart stores on small towns and local businesses. It highlights the economic, social, and cultural consequences of the retail giant's expansion and its impact on community dynamics.
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