Tears in the Rain is a romantic drama that takes place in Hertfordshire, England during World War II. It follows the story of two siblings who meet for the first time and get caught in a romantic rivalry. The plot unfolds as an English lord meets his grown daughter, leading to family affairs and a series of unexpected events. The movie explores themes of love, war, and family secrets.
A biopic of jazz pianist Luca Flores.
Everyday Sara crosses paths with Tobias on her way to the museum where she works. One morning she accepts his invitation for coffee. It will be the first of several encounters that will affect how she relates to others.
A Lucky Man follows the story of a talented rugby player who becomes the victim of a brutal gang rape. The movie explores the traumatic experiences he faces and his struggle to come to terms with the incident. Through a non-linear narrative, the film dives into themes of trauma, PTSD, and the effects of sexual assault on men.
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