Alice is a sitcom set in a diner in Phoenix, Arizona. It follows the life of Alice Hyatt, a naive woman who works as a waitress. The show explores her friendships with other women, her struggles as a single mother, and her dream of becoming a singer.
Friends is a popular sitcom that follows the lives and relationships of a group of six friends in their 20s and 30s. The show explores the ups and downs of their careers, romantic entanglements, and personal struggles, all while providing plenty of laughs along the way.
The Kitchen is a hilarious comedy TV show that takes place in a busy restaurant kitchen. The story revolves around the daily struggles of the talented yet quirky kitchen staff, particularly the female chef. With an emphasis on food, cooking, and parody, this show guarantees plenty of laughs and entertainment.
Mom is a sitcom about Christy, a single mother and recovering alcoholic who is trying to rebuild her life and maintain sobriety. She works as a waitress at a restaurant and battles various challenges related to her dysfunctional relationships and past mistakes. The show explores themes of family, friendship, and personal growth.
Follow the misadventures of a group of friends, known as the Gang, as they run an Irish pub in South Philadelphia. Their crude humor, self-obsession, and politically incorrect antics often lead to outrageous situations and hilarious outcomes.
True Blood is a TV show set in a small town where vampires and humans coexist. The series follows Sookie Stackhouse, a waitress with telepathic abilities, as she gets caught up in the world of vampires, witches, werewolves, and other supernatural creatures. With a love triangle, political power struggles, and themes of acceptance and discrimination, True Blood is a thrilling and dramatic series that explores the complex relationships between humans and the undead.
2 Broke Girls follows the lives of Max, a street-smart waitress from a poor background, and Caroline, a former rich girl who is now broke. They meet while working at a diner in Brooklyn and become unlikely friends. Together, they navigate the challenges of saving money, dealing with money problems, and dreaming of opening their own cupcake business.
Tokyo Ghoul is a TV show set in Tokyo, Japan where ghouls, man-eating creatures, live among humans. Kaneki, a college student, survives an attack from a ghoul and becomes a half-ghoul. As he navigates this new world, he must balance his hunger for human flesh with his desire to retain his humanity.
The Big Bang Theory revolves around the lives of four socially awkward friends, Sheldon, Leonard, Raj, and Howard, who are brilliant scientists. They navigate through their personal lives and relationships while often struggling with everyday social situations. The show primarily focuses on their interactions with their neighbor, Penny, an aspiring actress who is not part of their geeky world. The series showcases their geek culture, love for comic books, sci-fi, video games, and their enduring friendship.
In a fantasy world, a group of adventurers travel from brothel to brothel, reviewing and rating the services provided by various interspecies partners.
Forrest Gump, with an IQ of 75, narrates his life story from the 1950s to the '70s. Raised in Alabama, he meets Jenny and they have parallel lives. Forrest excels in running, goes to college, enlists in the army, becomes a war hero, learns ping-pong, reunites with Jenny, starts a shrimping business, becomes a wealthy man, and eventually marries Jenny. They have a son and live a happy life until Jenny's death.
Experienced head chef Nobuyuki Yazawa and friendly waitress Shinobu Senke run a traditional Japanese izakaya called Nobu—a bar known for serving a tasty array of food and drink. Welcoming any and all customers, the pair strive to showcase Nobu's exclusive menu and provide the best possible experience. However, despite its ordinary appearance, the establishment opens to the heart of Aitheria, a city from a parallel universe. As news of the restaurant's exquisite dishes spreads throughout the lands, Aitherian citizens from various social backgrounds travel to Nobu in search of new and delicious cuisine, bringing with them an empty stomach and riveting stories to tell.
After their riches-to-rags journey, the wealthy Rose family is forced to rebuild their lives in Schitt's Creek, a small town they once bought as a joke. With their pampered lifestyle gone, they face the challenges of living in a motel, running a general store, and interacting with the eccentric local townsfolk. Through humor and heartwarming moments, they discover the true value of family and friendship.
Anna und die Liebe is the eleventh Telenovela made in Germany. It has aired since August 25, 2008 on German channel Sat.1 and Austrian Channel ORF 1.
Corner Gas is a comedy TV show set in the fictional town of Dog River, Saskatchewan, Canada. The show follows the daily life and antics of the gas station's owner, Brent Leroy, his dimwitted best friend, Hank, and the rest of the quirky townspeople.
When a group of friends travels to Las Vegas for a bachelor party, they wake up the next morning with no memory of the previous night. Along the way, they encounter various comedic and chaotic situations as they try to find the missing groom and piece together what happened.
Rumbling Hearts (2003) follows the story of four high school friends whose lives are forever changed after a tragic car accident. It explores themes of love, betrayal, mental imbalance, and the consequences of one's actions. With intense emotions and unexpected twists, Rumbling Hearts is a rollercoaster of emotions that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
Comedy OVA series based on the Type-Moon Gag manga, Take-Moon. It focuses on funny and absurd situations happening to the various characters of the Type-Moon franchises, mostly from Fate/stay night and Tsukihime.
In the year 2029, a war between humans and machines is being fought. A soldier is sent back in time to 1984 to protect a woman who plays a key role in humanity's future. A cyborg assassin is also sent back to kill her. They must evade the assassin and find a way to prevent the future war.