Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! follows the story of an introverted college student named Shinichi Sakurai who prefers to be alone. However, his solitude is interrupted by Uzaki Hana, an eccentric and energetic girl who loves to socialize and hang out. Despite his initial reluctance, Shinichi gradually discovers the joys of friendship and the excitement of stepping outside his comfort zone.
Gunpla Battle Nexus Online (GBN) is a network game that lets people have adventures with their Gunpla in a virtual cyberspace dimension. Middle-school students Riku Mikami and Yukio Hidaka recruit their classmate Momoka Yashiro and dive together into this vast world. Becoming "Divers," or inhabitants of GBN, they meet a mysterious girl named Sarah who has an amazing sensitivity to Gunpla. As they meet new friends and allies, the force known as Build Divers is born!
In ancient Japan, a woman with pale complexion and long white hair becomes a strong female warrior. She fights samurais with a samurai sword in a virtual reality simulation. The woman with a sword fights alongside a man in intense sword fights. They ride a white horse through a bamboo forest at nighttime, under a full moon. The woman with pale skin and white hair wields a katana sword with great skill. The movie is reminiscent of The Matrix.
Naoki (Nomaguchi Toru), middle-aged bachelor, has had no successful experiences in his life. His only purpose in life is to spend time alone in the VR world of a game "Twilight" as a girl (Kurasawa Anna) in school uniform. In the lonely world of the unpopular game, one day he meets a beautiful avatar "Honami", a naive and beautiful girl. Naoki, a socially awkward, is bewildered but gradually becomes attracted to Honami.
In the heyday of e-sports, “Gunpla Battle” is leading the way in popularity. By scanning their own gunpla and controlling a life-size Gundam projection, they aim to win the national championship. Hiro is the pilot, Takumi is the builder, Kentaro is the programmer, Taichi is the commander, and Sota is the armorer. A variety of crises await these adolescents. Farewells from their friends and conflicts with rival teams. This is a coming-of-age ensemble drama about high school students who gradually grow up with dreams and friendship in their hearts through Gunpla battles.
Experience the excitement and intimacy of the virtual reality world as members of VR Chat communities share their personal stories and the impact of online connections in their lives.
Through a series of leaps in time from the 1970s to a post-Anthropocene future, we follow in the footsteps of a mysterious creature.
Gus spends every waking hour in Virtual Reality, ignoring the Gigworkers who tend to his physiological needs.
As a rogue agent with a mysterious past, you enlist the help of enhanced super-assassin M-13 to retrieve your identity and strike against the deadly organization that created you.
A short film that reinterprets the silent film masterpiece "Cabiria" from 1914, directed by Giovanni Pastrone and enriched with literary captions by Gabriele D'Annunzio, thanks to the integration of digital technologies such as virtual reality, Artificial Intelligence, and the powerful 3D graphics engine Unreal Engine.
'THE QUEST: Everest VR' is a one-of-a-kind "real-life" Virtual Reality documentary to climb and reveal the most legendary mountain on earth, Mt. Everest, in stunning 360 degree video! It is the only real-life Virtual Reality experience that puts you directly in the boots with filmmaker and explorer, Alex Harz, on an epic 52 day quest to the Top of the World (29,032 feet / 8849 meters), and the closest thing to climbing Everest without all the rigorous training, planning and high risk needed to physically step foot on the mountain! 'THE QUEST: Everest VR' can be experienced worldwide in Virtual Reality headsets, and on computers, phones, tablets, etc...
An interactive experience mixing immersive theatre and virtual reality.
Director Grant Scicluna jumps into VR with an adaptation of one of the tales from Jack Heath’s short-story collection 300 Minutes of Danger. Here, in a potentially deadly case of mistaken identity, Nassim is poisoned and must engage in a heart-pumping game of cat and mouse to secure the antidote.
The sci-fi film "Virtual Lies" is about a story related to VR world. Xu Ze is a programmer. He developed a VR world to help the people who lost their beloved. Su Tiantian came close to him for his invaluable virtual coins. But they fell into love. Shui Sheng, a colleague of Xu, disclosed Su Tiantian's secret. Then Xu's virtual coins are all gone. At last, Xu fould the truth and saved his lover.
College student MERİÇ sees his crush SUDE in anxiety. They must complete a questionnaire to learn their grades for this semester. This questionnaire is a VR game designed for students to have fun while completing their questions. The game shapes itself depending on the player and their individual experience. When MERİÇ enters the game, he meets with his fun guide 1STQUESTION (A robot that helps him complete his questionnaire). Throughout his journey, we meet with several characters in the game that we also see in real-life sequences. SPARKS PIRATE and her APPRENTICE are the villains who try to capture 1STQUESTION and make MERİÇ trapped in the game. He must complete all questions, fight for what he loves the most, and fulfill his destiny.
Moment and memory blend as you bear witness to a Samoan rite of passage. IOPU takes you behind the curtain of a resplendent theatre as you follow a queer Samoan-Australian performer who is about to take the stage. Through drama, dress and dance, this VR experience explores the themes of alienation, acceptance and finding our own tribe.
Explore a world beyond the bounds of our human perceptions. A world full of mystery, beauty and darkness. Let yourself be taken on a trip into the woven nature of existence.