In 2001: A Space Odyssey, a spacecraft is sent to Jupiter to investigate a mysterious artifact found buried beneath the Lunar surface. Manned by two men and the supercomputer HAL 9000, the mission uncovers secrets about human evolution and the nature of the universe.
When Night Is Falling is a romantic drama about a conservative professor who embarks on a voyage of self-discovery when she falls in love with a circus performer. The movie explores themes of sexuality, identity, and societal expectations.
A man and his companion travel to a remote village in China to investigate a valuable jade mine, but end up on a journey of self-discovery and connection with nature.
Based on Captain James Cook's three voyages. It was on his first voyage, in 1770 (while in the South Pacific region to observe the transit of Venus), that Captain Cook discovered the east coast of Australia. He later recommended Australia as a future British colony. The series was financed by $5 million from Revcom France, $2.25 million from the ABC and the rest from 10BA tax money.
In a dark and distant future, a scientist embarks on a voyage of discovery through a dystopian underground city to find a solution to the problem of human infertility.
A photographer and his partner discover a lunar colony inhabited by topless women. They must navigate the challenges of the moon while uncovering the secrets of this new civilization.
The Adventures of Sam is an animated Australian children's TV series that aired in 1997. Set in the 1850s, it followed a boy named Sam Donahue as he had adventures around the world while trying to find his brother. The show is well known for its theme music by Nerida Tyson-Chew which was nominated for several awards.
Julia Bradbury explores the hidden side of the dazzling, sun-drenched Greek Islands. In this series she uncovers the hidden side of well-known islands like Corfu, Crete and Santorini as well as uncovering some lesser-known island gems.
During the times of Venezuelan dictator Juan Vicente Gómez, an exhausted stranger arrives at a farm and starts to help the owner with the legal status of her land.
This documentary examines the controversial theory that a Chinese Ming Dynasty fleet, led by Zheng He, sailed past the Cape of Good Hope and crossed the Atlantic to discover the Americas, decades before Christopher Columbus.
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